
By making a regular payment to the church and if you are a UK tax payer, nominate this amount to be Gift Aided, you will be contributing to the continuing delivery of the Christian Ministry here in Braunston.

Every penny counts! As a guideline the average weekly payment currently made by members of the giving scheme at Braunston is £12, Some people cannot afford this amount and give less and others pay significantly more but this average will not cover the whole of our expenditure. Additional fundraising activities are required to fill the shortfall.

How can I give?

There are a number of ways of supporting the ministry at All Saints Braunston:

1. By monthly Direct Debit from your Bank, 

The new Parish Giving Scheme is administered nationally for us and means we have a regular and known income so we can plan our finances better. It also makes Gift Aid much easier to cliam. Please download the form or contact us:  

 This method is ideal IF you are a UK Tax payer.

This method is our prefered option as it reduces the cash handling requirement, improves securtiy, and allows the monthly collection of Gift Aid. 

However for other methods see below. 

2. By using the numbered envelope scheme

Some members of the congregation prefer to place their donation into a 'pew' envelope.   If you intend to give to the church on a regular basis you should aquire a 'numbered' envelope which will allow your donations to be received and donations allocated against your number.  This allows us to claim Gift Aid against your donation.  To obtain a numbered envelope please contact us.

3.. EasyFundRaising

Raise money as you shop with EasyFundraisingUse the EasyFundRaising site link. This can be used if you use the internet for online shopping.  For each order you place a small donation will be made to All Saints Braunston.

6. Send a one-off cheque to the address above

There may be occasions when you simply want to make a donation by sending a cheque to J Lewis at the above address. This may be the result of a funeral, legacy or fundraising activity. Please make cheques payable to The PCC of Braunston.

The financial stability of the church is maintained only by the generous giving of the church members.  THANK YOU for all your generosity which enables the christian ministry to be continued at All Saints Braunston.


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Giving Scheme (Adobe Acrobat (PDF))