

If you live in Braunston & someone is dying or has just died

If someone in your household is dying or has just died and you need to speak to the vicar urgently please contact us

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Everybody dies. As the funeral service says "in the midst of life we are in death" yet when somebody you love dies it is the most terrible thing

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What to do when someone dies

Some of the practical things you need to do when someone dies

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Planning a Funeral or Cremation Service at All Saints'

Funerals can be highly personalised and within obvious limits of decency you can choose music and readings that are right for the person we are remembering

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Churchyard - Memorials & Headstones

Information about burials, headstones, maintenance of graves and burial of ashes

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Reflections on Death

Although loss is loss death can raise different issues depending upon the circumstances

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FAQ About death - some perspectives

Why did God let this happen? I prayed for a miracle and God didn't listen? Where is he/she now?

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Useful Funeral Links

Further information about Funerals from the Church of England

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