Qualifying connections with All Saints Church or Braunston village
If you can say yes to one or more of the criteria set out here then you are entitled to be married at All Saints':
- You are on the church electoral roll (you are a regular and committed member of the church community of All Saints’ regardless of where you live or worship)
- One of you has lived in Braunston as your usual place of residence for a period of at least six months sometime in the past.
- You have habitually attended worship at All Saints for at least six months at any time in the past
- One of you was baptised (Christened) here
- One of you was Confirmed at a Church of England service and details of your confirmation entered in a confirmation register belonging to All Saints, Braunston
- One of your parents was married here (that sounds odd! The parents of one of you ...)
- In your lifetime one of your parents lived in Braunston for at least six months
- A parent was a habitual worshipper at All Saints’ for at least six months in the past
- A grandparent was married here
If none of the above is demonstrably true then you have three choices:
- Give up on the idea of marrying at Braunston (the worst case scenario)
- Become a member of the Church Electoral Roll. This requires regular attendance at services (at least once a month) for a minimum of six months.
Once the vicar is satisfied that you have fulfilled this requirement you will be given a form to apply to be a member of the electoral roll. Only once you have completed that will the vicar be able to confirm a date for your wedding! So do not book anything or pay any deposits because if you cannot provide a legitimate qualifying connection you will not be able to marry here. Remember - six months attendance only allows you to confirm a date. You must not assume anything before that first six months is up or it could end up costing you a lot of money if you have to cancel a reception venue! By the way, this is not the vicar just being bloody minded! The church is bound by laws and it is in nobody's interest that your marriage is not legally valid!!
- You can apply to the Diocesan Registrar (Legal representative of the Peterborough Diocesan Bishop for a special Licence. This is only valid for three months and so must be applied for no more than three months before the date of your planned wedding. If you need to take this route please contact us for a discussion about the application process.

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