Staying Connected


BVN Article

Wednesday 01 August

I write this article in the aftermath of the England football team’s amazing journey in the World Cup. I have been impressed by how well those young players have worked together as a team in order to achieve all that they have.
The definition of teamwork, found in the Oxford Dictionary, is ‘the combined action of a group, especially when effective and efficient.’ Team work has also featured in the news with the successful rescue of the young football team and their coach from a cave in Thailand. The divers’ bravery and efficient and effective working together brought them all out to safety. 

Gareth Southgate, England manager, talked about the hurdles that his young team had to face during the tournament and the tough reflection he will have to do with them following their defeat in the semi-finals. The team that rescued those boys from the cave achieved a great success but it was highly dangerous and the death of one diver made that clear. Teamwork has to be intentional and needs to be worked at. The companionship, collaboration and connection this brings will see you through the joys and sorrows. Each person in the England team and those divers could not have achieved the results they did without working together. No one person was more important than the other, they all made a difference.

I wonder whether you have thought about this in relation to our village? What part do you play in the life of our village? We all have something to offer and it maybe you can do that by joining a group, or by volunteering to help with occasional events. But it may be that your contribution is in being a good neighbour and looking out for those around you who need to know they are cared for. You may not win any great prizes or be part of a rescue mission, but you will be playing your part in making Braunston a great place to live.

Rev Nat

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