What to do when someone dies

This list is not definitive but every step of the way the medics, the undertakers, the registrar and the vicar will tell you what you need to do. So don't worry. You are not alone.

1. Telephone a friend, neighbour or the vicar so that you are not alone.

2. Contact your family doctor to let them know

3. Contact a local undertaker.

The undertakers in Daventry are John Ward (Tel: 01327 300033) and The Co-op (Tel: 01327 707 905).

4. Find the will in order to find any instructions about funeral arrangements

5. Within the first five days after death you will need to find the following documents which you will need to register the death:

  • Medical certificate of the cause of death (signed by a doctor)
  • Birth certificate and any marriage/civil partnership certificates if available
  • NHS number
  • Organ donor card if there is one

6. Make sure that you can also supply the following information:

  • The person who has died's full name at death
  • Any previous names used including maiden name
  • Their date and place of birth (town and county)
  • Their last address
  • Their occupation
  • Date of marriage/civil partnership if certificates not available
  • Full name, occupation and date of birth of surviving spouse or partner
  • Whether the deceased was receiving a state pension or any other state benefits

7. Register the death.

This must be done within five days. It is usually can be done by a relative but if there are no relatives available other arrangements can be made with the registrar. Registration takes about half an hour but you will need to make an appointment in advance.

The closest Register Office to Braunston is at Daventry based at the Council Offices, Lodge Road, Daventry, NN11 4FP.

The central number for all Northamptonshire Register Offices is 0300 126 1000 (choose option 3) and is staffed Monday to Friday 8am-6pm

The registrar will give you a certificate of registration of death. It is worth asking the Registrar if you can buy three copies of this "death certificate" because you may need them later for changing bank account, informing state pension and benefits organisations and other administrative matters.

If there is no need for a post mortem the registrar will also give you a "green form" giving permission for the body to be buried or cremated. You should give this to your undertaker.

8. Start to think about the funeral.

A funeral can be either by burial or by cremation. Remember to take the Deceased's wishes into account, although they are not legally binding. If there are no clear wishes the executor of the will or the nearest relative will usually decide if the body is to be cremated or buried.

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