Heritage Lottery Fund Delivery Project November 2015

The young pigeons have flown the nest so work can restart on the associated rainwater hopper!

Work on the first of the two main lead gutters has been completed and work on the second main gutter is almost complete. The two smaller lead gutters will then be rebuilt and new lead fitted. We are currently considering the amount of re-slating necessary once the gutter work is complete and then fitting new lead ridges. Loose high level masonry has been removed and replacing by new stonework commenced.

The rebuilt chimney on the boiler house is having the flue tested before we can restart the heating system for the winter. Repairs to the internal plasterwork (caused by previous rain penetration) will start in November with paintwork to follow. The latest programme from our contractor still shows completion by Christmas but the final decision on amount of re-slating may affect this. Keep your fingers crossed!

Open afternoon display boardWe have submitted the progress report to the Heritage Lottery Fund and applied for the second payment of their grant. The first of the reclaimed VAT payments has been received. All the associated Activities are on programme to complete in December/January and we are starting to plan for the end of project event at the end of January (watch this space).

The two church open afternoons in September were well attended with visitors reviewing the displays of project progress and being given guided tours of the church’s historical interior.

Thanks to Cedric Wasser for the photograph


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