Heritage Lottery Fund Development Project November 2014
The detailed specification and drawings for the restoration works have been completed by our architect. These have been submitted to English Heritage for their technical approval. Once this approval is given we can then issue these documents to our list of pre-qualified contractors for tendering. We are still aiming to have the tenders returned to us in early December.
Providing the tenders match our current budget estimates then we expect to complete our Second Stage Submission to the Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF) in January 2015. This will request approval and release of the main HLF grant to enable orders to be placed for work to commence in Spring 2015.
We have submitted our Progress Report and invoices received to HLF covering work done to date on the Development Project. This has been approved and their second payment (£5880) is being credited to our account. Drafts of all the new Guide Sheets for the church have been prepared and are being reviewed (Final publication will be during the second stage, the Delivery Project).
All other planned initiatives are under way. Let us hope that the tenders for the restoration works are within our budget, otherwise we will need to put our thinking caps on again!
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